How to wash a synthetic wig?

Sep 25 , 2022

How to wash a synthetic wig?

First, you need to know, how often to wash a synthetic wig.

We suggest every 6-8 wearings, or 2-3 weeks.  If you're around heavy smoke, perfume, or strong odors of any kind, you should wash it more often.

Detangle the wig with wide tooth comb gently before you wash.

Fill your sink/basin with cold water, add some synthetic wig only shampoo.

Drop the wig in, leave it for about 5 minutes. 

Gently dip it up and down in the water. If there are makeup stains on the cap, clean them gently with a small brush (like a toothbrush).

Rinse your wig gently through in cold water.

Condition it with synthetic wig only conditioner. This will make your wig last longer.

Rinse it again through in cold water.

Dry the wig. Pat the excess water out of the wig with a towel, then put the wig on a wig stand, leave it air dry. DO NOT USE BLOW DRYER.

You can spray some hair oil on the wig after it is dry.

hair care